
🍾 petbattle helm charts 🍾

helm repo add petbattle https://petbattle.github.io/helm-charts

Check for the latest chart versions

helm search repo pet-battle

Pump It Up

Deploying Pet Battle using helm3

Login to OpenShift as cluster admin user

Add a HelmChartRepository

cat <<EOF | oc apply -f -
apiVersion: helm.openshift.io/v1beta1
kind: HelmChartRepository
  name: petbattle-charts
  name: petbattle
    url: https://petbattle.github.io/helm-charts

You can also use a nexus helm-chart repo as another entry as OpenShift supports relative chart urls as served by nexus:

url: https://nexus-labs-ci-cd.apps.openshift.example.com/repository/helm-charts


helm cli install

You will need to adjust the pet-battle UI values.yaml file to suit your environment prior to installing the UI chart

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/petbattle/pet-battle/master/chart/values.yaml

To install the main Pet Battle applications

helm upgrade --install pet-battle-api petbattle/pet-battle-api --version=1.1.0 --namespace petbattle --create-namespace
helm upgrade --install pet-battle petbattle/pet-battle --version=1.0.6 -f values.yaml --namespace petbattle
helm upgrade --install pet-battle-tournament petbattle/pet-battle-tournament --version=1.0.39 --namespace petbattle

To install Pet Battle tournament service with a separate infrastructure chart which is useful for debugging

helm upgrade --install pet-battle-infra petbattle/pet-battle-infra --version=1.0.31 --set install_cert_util=true --namespace petbattle
helm upgrade --install pet-battle-tournament petbattle/pet-battle-tournament --version=1.0.39 --set tags.infra=false --namespace petbattle

To install the NSFF feature

helm upgrade --install pet-battle-nsff petbattle/pet-battle-nsff --version=0.0.2 --namespace petbattle
# openshift knative
HOST=$(kn service describe tensorflowserving-pb-nsff -o url)
# openshift deployment
HOST=$(oc get route tensorflowserving-pb-nsff -o custom-columns=ROUTE:.spec.host --no-headers)
helm upgrade --install pet-battle-api petbattle/pet-battle-api --version=1.1.0 --set nsff.enabled=true --set nsff.apiHost=${HOST} --namespace petbattle

Delete apps

helm uninstall pet-battle-infra pet-battle-tournament pet-battle-api pet-battle pet-battle-nsff